The Steps of CPR for Infants

The steps of CPR for infants

  1. Make sure the scene is safe.
  2. Tap the victim firmly and shout loudly.
  3. If no response or no normal response, yell for help.
    1. If help comes, send them to call 911
    2. If no help comes pick the infant up and take them to the phone
  1. While on the phone scan the infant for signs of breathing.
  2. If not breathing begin compressions.
    1. 30 compressions at a rate of 100 beats per minute. Push down 1 1/2 inches
  1. Give 2 breaths, making the chest rise.
  2. Do 5 cycles of CPR then go call for help.
  3. Come back to the victim and continue CPR until help arrives or the victim comes back to life.

These steps of CPR are very similar to the steps of CPR for an Adults and child. Please feel free to go back to the Adult steps for reference. Also, feel free to copy and re-post these steps for anyone to use.

This information is brought to you by CPR and More. We teach CPR and First aid classes. If you are interested in more information on this topic or any of our first aid topics, please check out our website at or call us to set up an appointment at 1-800-477-6193

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