Heat and Cold Emergencies

HEAT EMERGENCIES Heat related emergencies are progressive conditions caused by overexposure to heat. Most incidents can be reversed but if left untreated, can escalate to a life-threatening condition. Heat emergencies are placed into 3 progressive categories: Heat cramps are muscle spasms that result from…

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Adult CPR Steps

Steps of Adult CPR This is the basic steps of CPR for and Adult. Follow these steps to help save a life. i. Make sure the scene is safe. If it is not safe, leave the scene and call 911. ii. Tap the victim…

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Internal Bleeding

Internal Bleeding Blood is meant to be circulated by the heart through blood vessels to supply the body’s organs with oxygen and nutrients. These blood vessels include arteries, veins, and capillaries. When the integrity of the blood vessel wall is damaged, there is a…

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AHA Chain of Survival

Chain of Survival The term AHA Chain of Survival provides a useful metaphor for the elements of the ECC (Emergency Cardiac Care) systems concept. The 5 links in the adult Chain of Survival are: Early Access Ideally, someone must recognize an impending cardiac arrest…

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How to control bleeding!!!

Bleeding First aid is appropriate for external bleeding. If bleeding is severe, or if you think there is internal bleeding or the person is in shock, get emergency help. 1. Calm and reassure the person. The sight of blood can be very frightening. 2. If…

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Poisonous Spiders

Spider Bites In the US there are 3 main spiders that are considered “Dangerous”. These 3 spiders are the Black Widow, Brown Recluse and the Brown Widow. Here is some information on all of them. Brown Recluse At least five species of recluse spiders…

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