Poisonous Spiders

Spider Bites In the US there are 3 main spiders that are considered “Dangerous”. These 3 spiders are the Black Widow, Brown Recluse and the Brown Widow. Here is some information on all of them. Brown Recluse At least five species of recluse spiders…

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Heimlich Maneuver

I teach both American Red Cross CPR and American heart Association CPR. The biggest issue with the two is how to perform live saving moves for a choking victim. The Red cross version starts with 5 back blows. The AHA version stays to just…

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CPR Story

Sometimes I find it hard to write. So I go seaching the internet for interesting info. I found this little bit. Sorry it is not mine but I think you will like it any ways. Thanks http://www.nyheartsaversofamerica.com/CPR_Story.html

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When AED’s Fail…

This was taken from an article written on ABC’s website. Make sure to check your AED. When Ralph Polanec collapsed June 25 at his Washington, D.C., gym, staff members thought they could save him with a shock from their automated external defibrillator. But when…

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