Kidney Health

In this blog we will talk about the most effective ways to keep your kidney in good condition.

Kidney care can help you reduce your risk of disease and in some cases even prevent it.

If you think you have a risk of kidney disease, it is a good idea to discuss this regularly with your GP. Talk to your family members about your condition to determine if you have a history of kidney problems such as kidney stones, kidney failure or kidney cancer. Learn how to care for your kidneys, including the fuel they need for optimal health. Learn more about the various treatment options for people in all stages of kidney disease, including dialysis and live kidney transplants.

See a kidney doctor, known as a nephrologist, who will show signs of improved kidney function, such as lower blood pressure or better blood sugar levels. If you have a complicated case of kidney disease, or if it is rapidly getting worse or progressing, your GP may refer you to a nephrologist. You may have a different kidney disease, and if you have advanced chronic kidney disease, recurrent kidney stones, kidney failure, or a hereditary cause, a doctor will probably recommend a nephrological consultation (NCC) with your doctor. Visit a pediatrician specialized in treating kidney disease.

However, there are other diseases that affect only the kidneys, such as polycystic kidney disease in adults, kidney failure and kidney cancer.

If you have kidney disease or reduced kidney function, taking just a few doses can damage the kidneys and cause further damage. Kidney disease can lead to kidney failure and kidney cancer, as well as other serious health problems. If you have kidney disease and reduced kidney function and need to have kidney surgery or kidney dialysis, or if you have kidney problems such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer or cancer of the pancreas or liver and do not have kidney damage, then taking a low dose cannot harm the kidneys, nor can it cause further damage.

Taking care of your kidneys from the moment you are diagnosed with diabetes and taking preventative measures can help slow down the damage and prevent kidney failure. Step one is to find a nephrologist or nephrologist who will monitor your kidney function and give you advice on how to live well with kidney disease. These steps, like the right moments after a diagnosis of diabetes, can save the kidneys from failure and help slow down damage. In addition, people diagnosed with kidney disease can consult a dietitian who will draw up an individual plan for their unique health condition, with recommendations based on the same strategies that dieticians use to maintain kidney function for people with kidney disease and for people with other health conditions such as diabetes.

If you have kidney failure, you would hope for a kidney transplant that would extend your life, give you a better quality of life, and give the best chance of survival to those who maintain a lifestyle that is at higher risk of developing kidney disease. Kidney transplants have both risks and benefits, and it is important to improve treatment options as soon as possible after a kidney disease diagnosis. If you know you are developing kidney disease, do not forget treatment to protect your kidneys and get treatment as early as possible, even if it helps delay or prevent kidney failure.

If you are struggling with kidney stones or have a family history of kidney disease, there are several preventative measures you can take to reduce your risk of kidney complications. Being aware of your eating habits can potentially prevent the development of chronic kidney disease such as kidney failure and kidney cancer. You need to plan kidney-friendly meals, especially if you have had a kidney stone, kidney infection or chronic kidney disease (KMD).

If you are at risk of kidney disease, have your kidneys regularly examined by a health specialist who will perform simple blood and urine tests. If you are at risk of kidney disease and your doctor is performing a simple blood and / or urine test, you should also have it checked regularly.

If you are looking at your kidneys in the best possible way, look at kidney function tests to find out your risk of kidney damage and kidney cancer. If you are at risk of kidney disease, kidney failure or other kidney problems, it is a good idea to have regular kidney and function tests. This is a great way to know your kidney health and check for possible changes.

Check out these 7 reasons to take care of your kidneys.

1. Kidneys Help Regulate Water

The body must contain the right amount of water for it to function correctly. The kidneys work to remove excess water or to retain water when the body needs more.

2. Kidneys Remove Waste

Not only do the kidneys remove waste – but they also keep substances found in the blood and bodily fluid at the correct level. This means they must remove excess minerals, like potassium and sodium, which are then excreted in the urine.

3. Kidneys Produce Important Hormones

When working properly, kidneys produce important hormones. These hormones regulate bodily functions like blood pressure, the uptake of calcium and the creation of red blood cells.

4. Because Kidney Stones are NO Fun

Kidney stones develop when chemicals form crystals in the urine. These crystals can range in size from a grain of sand to a golf ball. While small stones can be passed with little discomfort, larger stones can lead to severe pain.

5. To Prevent Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) happens when there is damage causing decreased kidney functions for a period of three months or longer. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates 10 percent of adults in the United States will develop CKD. CKD can be inherited or acquired, often being caused by diabetes and high blood pressure.

6. To Prevent Kidney Failure and Possible Death

Stage 5 of kidney disease is also known as End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). When this occurs, the kidneys do not function correctly, causing waste and excess fluids to accumulate. In order to maintain life at this stage, a kidney transplant or dialysis is needed.

7. Because in 2014, Kidney Cancer took 13,860 U.S. Lives in 2014

Another scary complication that can come from unhealthy kidneys is kidney cancer. The most common form of kidney cancer is renal cell carcinoma (RCC), which occurs when a tumor grows within a kidney. Smoking, obesity and genetics all play a role in one’s risk of developing kidney cancer.


There are a number of simple ways you can support kidney healthy to help prevent ERSD, kidney stones and other complications that come from unhealthy kidneys. These include:

  • Limit alcohol intake.
  • Keep your blood pressure at a target set by your doctor.
  • Decrease your consumption of salt (aim for 2,300 milligrams each day).
  • Take steps to quit smoking.
  • For those with diabetes, control your glucose level.
  • See a kidney doctor (called a nephrologist), which has shown to improve kidney function and delay kidney failure.
  • Be more physically active.
  • Maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

Remember you can live with out one of your Kidneys, but you cannot live without both!