Happy New Year!!!

Good morning and Happy New Year!

Last year we were blessed to teach almost 3000 students how to do CPR. That is amazing. We hope that this year we can surpass that number and teach many more how to save a life. We will be starting many programs that will teach many people how to save a life in different ways. These include an EMT basic course, NCLEX, ACLS and PALS and much more. Keep your eyes open for all the great classes we will be introducing.

Also, we will be trying to regularly update our blog with great new information about first aid and safety related topics. If there is something specific that you would like to see in the coming year please let us know. We are willing to look into starting whatever class you could want. Go check out our online classes also. We will be adding more to that including an online CPR course coming in the next few months.

Have a great day and we hope to teach you how to save a life soon.
